E-Learning Day

Marlboro County School District has developed a plan for eLearning days that will engage students in online learning experiences to prevent learning loss. Understanding the value of teacher-student interactions, our mission is to provide eLearning experiences that will help students remain engaged in learning when physical access to school buildings is restricted.

K-2 Students
Students will use SeeSaw or Google Classroom to access an eLearning lesson designed especially for them by their teacher. For each day of eLearning, students will receive no more than one standards-based lesson for each class they are enrolled in. This may include reading independently and responding to a text. Each eLearning lesson is carefully designed to ensure an application of a skill or standard that has already been taught. Students in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten will require assistance from parents, while children in 1st and 2nd grade
may need minimal assistance. Students will earn a participation grade for their submitted lesson activities.

3-5 Students
Students will use SeeSaw, Schoology, or Google Classroom to access an eLearning lesson designed especially for them by their teacher. For each day of eLearning, students will receive no more than one standards-based lesson for each class they are enrolled in. This may include reading independently and responding to a text. Each eLearning lesson is carefully designed to ensure an application of a skill or standard that has already been taught.  Students in grades 3-5 should need minimal parent assistance. Students will earn credit for their submitted lesson
activities in accordance with each teachers’ grading standards.

6-12 Students
Students will use Schoology or Google Classroom to access an eLearning lesson designed especially for them by their teacher. For each day of eLearning, students will receive no more than one standards-based lesson for each class they are enrolled in. Each eLearning lesson will be carefully designed to ensure an application of a skill or standard that has already been taught. Students will earn credit for their submitted lesson activities in accordance with each teachers’ grading standards.

All Students
All students have 5 days to complete and submit their eLearning lessons. The completion and submission of these lessons will result in students receiving attendance credit for the eLearning day.  Questions and concerns should be shared with teachers using the method they identified in their eLearning lesson instructions. Teachers’ office hours will also be listed in those instructions.  We are excited to provide this unique, alternative learning opportunity for
your child.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is an eLearning day?

On eLearning days, students do not report to school. Students will be provided with online eLearning lessons designed to be completed at home on that day.

How and when will students and parents know if an eLearning day has been initiated?
School cancellations and the announcement of eLearning days will be shared through district/school websites, social media, and local media outlets.

How will students be informed about lessons during an eLearning day?
Lessons for students will be posted in SeeSaw, Schoology, or Google Classroom no later than 8:30 AM on the eLearning day.

How much school work will students be required to accomplish?
There is not a specific amount of work that students will be required to complete. The goal is to provide manageable learning experiences related to students’ grade level and academic course standards.

When will assignments be due?
Students are expected to complete and submit eLearning lessons on the eLearning day. However, students will have 5 days to complete and submit their lessons.

How will students contact teachers with questions?
Teachers will post their scheduled office hours and preferred contact methods for eLearning days with their lesson instructions. During these hours, teachers will respond to questions and concerns and provide feedback on eLearning lessons.

How does attendance work for the eLearning day?
Students will be marked present by completing and submitting the eLearning lesson within the 5 day period. Lessons not completed and submitted within 5 days will result in the student being marked absent.

How does grading work for the eLearning day?
Students in grades K-2 will earn a participation grade for their submitted lesson activities. Students in grades 3-12 will earn credit for each lesson activity they submit as described by their teachers in the eLearning lesson instructions. Lesson activities that are not completed may negatively impact students’ grades.

Do students with identified special learning needs have an alternative means to access their lessons on eLearning days?
Individual support and accommodations for students with identified special learning needs will be included as a part of the eLearning lesson. Some specialized instruction and related services are unable to be provided during the physical closure of school buildings, as a result, compensatory services and/or additional modifications will need to be discussed among stakeholders.

What if my child does not have access to the internet or a device?
Students who were unable to complete their eLearning lessons because they did not have internet access will be provided with additional time upon returning to school to complete and submit the lessons.

Can students choose to opt-out of eLearning days?                                                                                                No. Any student who does not participate in an eLearning day will be coded as absent. This means that a student is absent in any class that they did not complete and submit an eLearning lesson for. Students have 5 days after the return to face-to-face instruction to complete and submit eLearning assignments for attendance and grading credit.