District 3 Vacant Board of Education Seat
Marlboro County Board of Education
Job Advertisement/ Bennettsville, SC 29512
Title: Board Member (Representative for District 3)
• Members of the board should have a genuine interest in and devotion to public education, a willingness to give time and effort to the district, and the ability to work cooperatively with others.
• Constitutional and statutory provisions require that all officers of the state and its subdivisions be qualified electors; that is, registered to vote, in their resident precinct. Persons convicted of a felony under state or federal law or other crimes related to elections and voting are prohibited from being elected to and serving in an office in this state or its political subdivisions, including school districts.
• Board members are prohibited from dual office-holding except in instances when an officer is given ex-officio status by statute. Any office-holder who is elected to a second office must vacate the first office. Under this provision, “office-holding” means being elected or appointed to an office of the state or its subdivisions.
Items for Submission:
• Letter of Interest
• Resume
Please submit these items to LaKeisha Cribb via email lcribb@marlboro.k12.sc.us or mail/hand deliver to 122 Broad Street, Bennettsville, SC 29512.
Code of Ethics/District 3 Map:
• Please log onto the Marlboro County School District’s website (marlboro.k12.sc.us) and review the South Carolina Board Member Code of Ethics as well as the map of district 3.
Application Deadline:
• Thursday, January 6, 2022, at 12:00 p.m.
The Board of Education will convene in January of 2022 to determine interviews and selection.